Evolution Links
National Academy of Sciences Books, reports, statements, papers, articles. and scientific definitions.
National Centre for Science Education is the only national organization devoted to defending the teaching of evolution in public schools.
Popular Science
Popular Science The intersection of science, technology and everyday life.
HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!
Science News for Kids
Science Fun
Ontario Science Centre - games, activities, labs, brain teasers, and more...science is fun.
BBC Science and Nature has interesting science information. It's interactive, including videos and quizzes.
Space.com From satellites to stars, NASA information, Astronomy, the sun and the planets. Includes videos.
Learn.Genetics Genetic Science Learning Center from University of Utah. Biology site provides information on cells, DNA and genetics.
National Geographic Environment Global Warming, Natural Disasters, and Habitats. Scroll through the list of Environment Topics.
National Geographic Green Guide Resource for consuming wisely; buying guides, tips and tools to green living.
General Sites
Encyclopedia Earth
Online Magazines
Scientific American
New Scientist
Endangered Species
Nature Canada endangered species - Introduction
IUCN List of threatened species